Company Profile

Company Profile

Company name
Higaki Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.
November 15, 1951
Headquarters location
1-4-25 Koura-cho, Imabari-shi, Ehime 799-2111
PHONE:+81-0898-41-9147 (main) FAX:+81-0898-41-7322
President Hiroaki Higaki
Design, development, construction and repair of various vessels
48,000,000 yen
Group companies
Hinoki Shoji Co., Ltd.
1-4-25 Koura-cho, Imabari-shi, Ehime 799-2111
PHONE:+81-0898-41-9688 (main) FAX:+81-0898-41-5806

Setsuyo Kisen Co., Ltd.
1-4-25 Koura-cho, Imabari-shi, Ehime 799-2111
PHONE:+81-0898-41-9664 (main) FAX:+81-0898-41-5503


1951 (Showa 26)
November Hisao Higaki personally founded a shipyard and made a tree. Shipbuilding construction and repair business started
Company name "Higaki Hisao Shipyard"
1964 (Showa 39)
June Changed to a corporate organization to strengthen management New company name "Higaki Shipbuilding Co., Ltd."
Capital 3 million yen
1967 (Showa 42)
November First Slipway 1,000 gross tonnage Slipway completed Ministry of Transport Became a licensed shipbuilding factory
1969 (Showa 44)
October Achieved 100 construction records
1973 (Showa 48)
November 3,000 gross tonnage slipway completedMay Increased capital to 48 million yen
1974 (Showa 49)
July 4,000 Tonnage tonnage permission to change the naming ability
1976 (Showa 51)
June 5,300 gross tonnage slipway equipment permit
1977 (Showa 52)
October Achieved 200 construction records
1980 (Showa 55)
June A ship with a gross tonnage of 5,000 tons or more can be manufactured. Due to equipment processing based on the stability plan of the ship manufacturing industry that uses slipways or docks, the 5,300 gross tonnage slipway will be abolished and a new 4,900 gross tonnage slipway facility license will be obtained.
1982 (Showa 57)
October Achieved 1 million deadweight tonnage computer system Introduced and established a production and management system by in-house computerization
1983 (Showa 58)
August Achieved 300 construction records
1991 (Heisei 3)
November Achieved 400 construction records
1993 (Heisei 5)
MarchCompleted expansion from 4,999 gross tonnage slipway to 5,999 gross tonnage slipway
1994 (Heisei 6)
MarchHSB house built to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the company's establishment Is completed
1995 (Heisei 7)
JulyShinkawa own building (Shinkawa Musashiya Building) ) Moved to
1998 (Heisei 10)
NovemberCompletion of the new head office building
5,999 From the gross tonnage slipway Completed with permission to expand equipment to 6,800 gross tonnage slipway
FebruaryIntroduced "Tribon", a comprehensive shipbuilding system
1999 (Heisei 11)
JanuaryAchieved 500 construction records
2000 (Heisei 12)
MarchObtained ISO 9001 certification
2001 (Heisei 13)
SeptemberObtained ISO14001 certification
2003 (Heisei 15)
November7,300 gross tonnage to 9,990 gross tonnageJulyCompleted expansion from 7,300 gross tonnage slipway to 9,990 gross tonnage slipwayFebruaryCompleted expansion from 6,800 gross tonnage slipway to 7,300 gross tonnage slipway
2006 (Heisei 18)
OctoberAchieved 600 construction records
2008 (Heisei 20)
May"Wharf" with block factory and quay Factory "completed
2009 (Heisei 21)
OctoberCSR Committee established
2010 (Heisei 22)
AugustObtained OHSAS18001 certification
2012 (Heisei 24)
AprilBlast / painting factory completed
2015 (Heisei 27)
AprilAchieved 700 construction recordsMarch9,990 Slipway expansion work from 9,990 gross tonnage slipway to 16,000 gross tonnage slipway completed
2016 (Heisei 28)
MayThe second 240T jib crane Introduced to the Hakata Factory

Organization chart

Organization chart

As of April 1, 2021